Just another analysis of the njRAT malware – A step-by-step approach

Summary njRAT (Bladabindi) is a .NET RAT (Remote Access Trojan) that allows attackers to take control of an infected machine. This malware has been used by APT actors in targeted attacks in Colombia (https://www.welivesecurity.com/2021/01/12/operation-spalax-targeted-malware-attacks-colombia/), by SideCopy (https://blog.talosintelligence.com/2021/07/sidecopy.html) and has been distributed via phishing emails (https://labs.k7computing.com/index.php/malspam-campaigns-download-njrat-from-paste-sites/). The version number in our analysis is 0.6.4 and the […]

Just another analysis of the njRAT malware – A step-by-step approach Read More »