Hello World

Hello reader,

I am Cezar Pufu. Together with my friend, Vlad Pasca, we bring you this blog that will tackle topics from different areas of study, such as Penetration Testing, Malware Analysis, Incident response, as well as general technology topics that are dear to us.

My journey in cyber security started in 2015, when I joined an internal presentation within the company where I was working at the time. The industry was not quite yet given the attention it deserved then and, I`ll be honest, I only joined the presentation because it was kept during work hours and it was a perfect opportunity to skip some work.

Then the speaker did something my cynical self did not expect: He described an awesome job where experimenting and persevering is encouraged. Where what you do matter and you can make a difference. I had to try it out. So I did.

Since cyber security was not my first choice as a student (I`ve started my adult life as a geologist) I expected my transition to be quite a difficult one. However, I soon found that there was a wonderful community in the field and that there were more open source resources than I could visit in a lifetime. Even more, the landscape is constantly changing and there is always something new that you need to learn and understand. How exciting! Finally a job that I will not get bored of doing in 6 months.

So I carried on, and slowly curiosity turned into knowledge, duty turned into passion and I found myself getting interested in more and more fields related to cyber security. I just had to know more. Had to try and test it for myself. And that brings us to the blog.

This blog is our way to give back to that community. This is why we will only use information and tools that are freely available for our guides and research (with the possible exception of some commercial tools that were not made freely available by the vendor and do not have a competitive open source alternative). This will give you the option to follow along and verify our findings. The blog content has no ties with our current or former employers and is based only on our own research and open sources.

As we are doing this on our free time in order to challenge ourselves, we are bound to get some things wrong or to choose an inefficient way to get to the desired results. If you find this to be the case, please let us know in the comments at the end of each post.

The intention is to turn use this blog as an open source collaboration platform that will provide a good learning experience for everyone involved.

Soon, we will also have a form on the main page, where you can let us know what you would like us to cover next.

We will not set a schedule for posting at this time, as we are more focused on the quality of the content and sometimes time is not in our favour. We will try however to have at least two new entries each month. Please use the RSS feed (top right side of the screen) so you can get a notification when a new entry gets posted.

Thank you for your time.

Live long and prosper!